
林晓1997年进入纽约华尔街开始他在金融衍生产品的职业生涯,第一个入门工作是在彭博社当程序员。1998年受聘于美国花旗银行,先后任职 AVP,VP和Director,分别在纽约的全球固定收益衍生产品研究部和模型考核部工作多年,从事利率与汇率衍生品量化模型的研究和产品开发。2007年回国服务于金融行业,先是在中国光大银行工作,任资金部副总经理。2010年加入中国工商银行金融市场部,任交易专家、高级交易专家。2017年在北京创建了星汇银通咨询服务公司 。2019年加入建信金融科技公司。林晓擅长将丰富的数理知识应用到金融衍生产品领域,设计了各种复杂结构衍生产品、并建立了相关的定价模型。他带领团队为多家银行自主开发建立了衍生产品的定价及管理系统,为国内众多的银行与金融机构从事衍生产品交易业务提供了专业的咨询服务。



这个故事最早是在2006年为了纪念中国恢复高考30年而写的。那个版本,也许您已经读过。 2012年,在庆祝大学毕业30周年之时,对故事作了不少补充 ...
2015年10月10日是中国第一笔人民币利率衍生产品成交10周年的纪念日。 在光大工作的三年半里,为了开展IRS业务呕心沥血。现在写一篇文章作个纪念。

Xiao Lin started his financial career in 1997 as a software developer at Bloomberg. In 1998, he was employed by Citigroup, working in the Fixed Income Derivatives Research Group and Model Validation Group by developing pricing models for interest rate and FX derivative products. In 2007, he came back to China, started working at China Everbright Bank and led a team to do pioneering work in CNY interest rate derivatives research. In 2010, he began working at the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), leading his team to do groundbreaking research on interest rate, FX, commodity and credit derivatives. In 2017, he began setting up his company, Beijing FinanStar Consulting。 And since 2019, he join the to CCB Fintech company. Lin is an expert in applying mathematics to financial derivatives. He has led teams to develop and build various structural derivative products, pricing models, and pricing and risk management systems for banks.

Lin received his Ph.D. from Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 1988. In 1989, he obtained a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and carried out his post-doc research at Aachen University of Science and Technology in Germany. In 1995, he went to America and worked in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics in the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook. Before changing career to finance, he had published over 30 scientific publications.


On Efficient and Accurate Calibration to FX Market Skew ... 2022-11-15


A Proof to the Riemann Hypothesis Using a Simplified Xi-Function 2021-07-21

吴恩达人工智能课程学习体会 2017-08-11

The Zero-Coupon Rate Model for Derivatives Pricing 2016-05-23

人民币利率互换的双曲线定价模型 2014-03-17


2013年4月22日 北京大学光华管理学院

2016年6月2日 南京
中国银行间市场交易商协会 第17期人民币利率互换业务培训班

2017年3月24日 汤森路透在线研讨会

2017年4月25日 汤森路透在线研讨会
